Use the script below when you contact your legislator either by phone, email or regular mail.
Please feel free to write your own argument. If you send an email, please BCC divestnewjersey@gmail.com. Thank you!
Dear Senator / Assemblywoman / Assemblyman,
My name is _____________ and I am your constituent. I live in (name of town).
I am contacting you to urge you to Co-Sponsor The Fossil Fuel Divestment Act, Senate bill 198. It requires that the NJ Division of Investment and the State Investment Council which oversee our State Pension Funds divest from the top 200 publicly funded fossil fuel companies.
Divestment is one important way to address climate change caused by fossil fuel companies. New Jersey is a particularly hard hit state and already has the highest sea level and temperature increases in the country. S198 will mandate the State Investment Council to stop investing in companies that are destroying our communities.
In addition, fossil fuel companies are in serious financial decline. They have no sustainable future as our economy transfers from fossil fuels to renewables. Fossil fuel companies are not making money for the Pension Funds and are terrible ecologically for our State. There is no longer any rationale for the State Investment Council to continue to hang on to these investments.
Governor Murphy has been calling climate change an existential threat to humanity. In that case we should all be doing everything in our power to reverse this crisis. Co-Sponsoring Senate bill 198 is one thing that you can do right now to help mitigate the climate crisis.
I urge you as your constituent to Co-Sponsor The Fossil Fuel Divestment Act S198. It will help protect the future of New Jersey.
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